DIESEL CYCLE (constant pressure cycle)

The cycle was first analysed by Rudolf Diesel
1-2:- isentropic compression
2-3:- heat addition at constant pressure
3:- heat supply is cut-off
3-4: isentropic expansion
4-1:- heat rejection at constant volume
Compression ratio=v1/v2
- It is an ideal cycle.
- It must be made clear that this does not represent what actually happens inside the cylinder of a working diesel engine.
- It was developed to be able to model engine behaviour and to analyze the effects of certain changes to the cycle without the complications of modelling an actual engine cycle.
Like an indicator diagram it is a graph of Pressure against Volume, but it makes certain assumptions:
(a) The mass of air within the cylinder remains the same: There are no inlet or exhaust valves.
(b) Fuel is not injected and burnt, but heat energy is added at constant pressure.
(c) At the end of the cycle the heat energy is rejected at constant volume.
(d) The compression and expansion of the air is adiabatic (no heat energy is added or lost) and follows the law (pv^y=c)
where c is a constant , for y air is 1.4.
NOTE:- Thermal efficiency of diesel engine is always less then otto engine for same compression ratio.(mathematically can be shown)
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